Attend college fairs virtually this spring. Meet admissions representatives and learn about the college admissions process. Mark your calendar for these virtual events taking place in the next several months. Learn how to make the most of these fairs here.

130+ Coalition members will gather to share information about their schools and to answer your questions, live.
Wednesday & Thursday, May, 19 * 20: 3 - 7 p.m. Pacific.
NACAC Virtual College Fairs Save the Dates!
More than 600 colleges and universities will be online to talk with high school juniors and seniors. Zoom sessions cover topics such as how to apply, financial aid, student life, and more. You can watch, learn, and get your questions answered about academics, athletics, diversity, study abroad, and other topics. You can also meet one-on-one with a college's admission counselor by selecting a virtual meeting date and time. Each virtual fair is a free, one-day event. Attend as many as you'd like.
Parents invited, too.
Sunday, Aug. 29: Signature Fair: 1-6 p.m. ET
Sunday, Sept. 12: Signature Fair: 1-6 p.m. ET
Tuesday, Sept. 28: Northeastern US Fair: 4-8 p.m. ET
Sunday, Oct. 3 Signature Fair: 1-6 p.m. ET
Thursday, Oct. 14: Midwest US Fair: 5-9 p.m. ET
Sunday, Oct. 24: Signature Fair: 1-6 p.m. ET
Tuesday, Nov. 2: Arts & STEM Fair: 4-8 p.m. ET
Sunday, Nov. 14: Signature Fair: 1-6 p.m. ET
Western Assn. for College Admission Counseling Transfer Fair Watch the recordings
Wednesday, May 12: 4 - 7:45 PM PT
Washington Council for High School-College Relations Virtual Planning Day Watch the recordings
A one-stop opportunity for high school juniors and undecided seniors to learn about Washington State's higher education options.
Thursday, April 22: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT
Colleges That Change Lives (CTCL) Watch the recordings
Watch here and virtually explore your liberal arts college options with the 40+ Colleges That Change Lives. Check out the schedule of featured presentations on a great variety of topics related to the college search, the application process, and living and learning on a CTCL campus.
Tuesday, March 23rd and Wednesday, March 24: 4:00 -5:45 PM (Central)
LGBTQ+ Virtual College Fair Watch the recordings
The event features special presentation opportunities: one regarding the personal statement and another regarding the overall search process specifically geared toward LGBTQ+ students. Students can virtually visit participating schools during the fairs sessions. Each school in attendance has taken an active step in building their LGBTQ+ communities.
The National Catholic College Admission Association Virtual College Fair Watch the recordings
This event offers six sessions featuring six colleges. Select a college to learn more about and learn the value of Catholic education.
Sunday, April 11: 12:00 PM to 12:45 PM. Central Time
CACHET Virtual STEM College Fair and Information Sessions Watch the recordings
This event includes a ‘6x6’ college fair (six sessions with six colleges), collaborative workshops featuring several colleges and universities, and information sessions focused on specific colleges and universities. The times listed are all Central Time.
Explore Jewish life on more than 200 campuses in the U.S. and Canada at the spring Hillel College Fair! Meet with current students and Hillel staff from schools that you’re considering, and ask the questions that matter most to you.
April 5-7: 6:00 - 9:00 PM ET
BigFuture Days
College Board is hosting a series of virtual events for high school students to connect directly with college admissions representatives through the spring. Fairs will be regionally focused and students are encouraged to attend more than one fair and explore various regions.
Sunday, April 18 4:00-800 PM ET/1:00-5:00 PM PT BigFuture Days Midwest
Thursday, April 29, 5:00-9:00 PM ET/2:00-6:00 PM PT BigFuture Days Southeast
Rocky Mountain Assn. for College Admission Counseling Watch the recordings
Learn about colleges from across the country. Register for multiple sessions. Each session will provide presentations from six different institutions. Click the link above to review the sessions and register. Sessions will be recorded.
Thursday, April 22: 5:00 - 7:45 pm MDT
Monday, April 26: 5:00 - 7:45 pm MDT
Western Assn. for College Admission Counseling Watch the recordings
April 19: 4:00-7:45 PM PT
Multiple sessions with different topics to guide you through your college search, as well as college information sessions. Colleges all over the country are participating!
Coalition for College Virtual Fairs
Save the dates -- April 21 & 22-- for the Coalition for College virtual fair event.
The Coalition for College also offers webinars on various aspects of the college admissions process from college search to interpreting financial aid awards.
Learn how to make the most of these college fairs here.
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