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Exciting News!
I’ve joined the team at Magellan College Counseling and now provide an even greater depth and breadth of college guidance.


Michelle Silbernagel
Apr 1, 2021
3 College Search Tools to Help Build Your Initial List
A brief guide to three college search tools to help you build your initial college list.

Michelle Silbernagel
Mar 9, 2021
The College Visit: Corona Style
Many high schools have missed the chance to visit colleges on their list. Read on for tips on digital trips.

Michelle Silbernagel
Feb 26, 2021
Five Steps to Building a Great College List
A good college list is the key to a successful application process. Building the list is process. Here are five

Michelle Silbernagel
Oct 30, 2020
What is a Balanced College List?
A balanced list --
It's a phrase heard quite often during the application process. But what does it mean, exactly?

Michelle Silbernagel
Sep 10, 2020
Put Your College to the Financial Stress Test
Research your college investment and put your college to the Financial Stress Test.

Michelle Silbernagel
Apr 18, 2020
Virtual College Tours
Student college admission engagement opportunities in June-July

Michelle Silbernagel
Apr 3, 2020
Financial Considerations in College Choice: The COVID-19 Edition
Wondering how to navigate the Covid-19 financial impact on you and the colleges you are considering? Here's some guidance.
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