A centralized resource list so you can stay up-to-date on the ever-changing college admissions landscape resulting from the current pandemic. Updated Oct. 16, 2020.

Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance and Resources
NACAC Resources: A central resource for information about changes in college admission events, deposit dates, plans, and policies regarding summer and fall semester instruction and more.
ACCEPT’s College Deposit Deadline resource: Colleges that have moved deposit deadlines
University of Washington Admissions COVID-19 Updates
University of California system's COVID-19 admission changes
University of California systems changes to standardized testing requirements for undergraduates.
California State University system's COVID-19 admission changes
15 Fall Scenarios: Inside Higher Ed article about fifteen different fall scenarios colleges may follow
List of Colleges' Plans for Re-opening in the Fall sourced by the Chronicle of Higher Education and updated regularly
NACAC’s annual College Openings Update: Colleges and universities still accepting applications from prospective freshman and/or transfer students for the upcoming fall term
SAT Test Updates: Updates from the College Board on upcoming test dates, cancellations, and postponements.
SAT Test Center Capacity Update: This page provides a sense of what test center capacity looks like for upcoming administrations by US Metro area.
College Board's Blog Post, May 28. 2020 SAT and SAT Subject Test Dates: What You Need to Know
ACT Test FAQ: Updates from ACT on upcoming test dates, cancellations and postponements.
ACT's list of June test site cancellations, published 5/28/20.
ACT News Room & Blog: Check here for most recent news/updates.
FairTest: List of test-optional colleges and universities
Test-Optional Means Test-Optional: NACAC's list of colleges with test-optional policies in place affirming that they will not penalize students for the absence of a standardized test score.
Prompt's running list of colleges accepting 2020 AP exam scores
IB Program/Exam Updates: Updates from the International Baccalaureate (IB) organization on upcoming exams and results
TOEFL Updates: Updates from the Educational Testing Service on TOEFL "at home" testing
UCAS/Study UK Updates: Information on the COVID-19 impact on universities and study in the United Kingdom and the UCAS system
Compass Education Group's summary of the Current Testing Landscape
Practice Resources
Applerouth: Free online SAT and ACT practice tests with detailed score reports
Revolution Prep: Free downloadable official ACT and SAT practice tests
Summit Education: Free online SAT and ACT practice tests with detailed score reports
Khan Academy: Free online SAT practice tests and resources
Tutor Ted: Free YouTube Corona Quarantine lessons
ACT Academy: Free online ACT practice tests and resources
AP Online Classes and Review Sessions
Coalition for College Application 20-21 COVID-19 Question
Common Application 20-21 COVID-19 Question
NCAA EC COVID-19 Response, Academic Year 2020-21: E-learning, Distance and Hybrid Options
The List: Hoop Dirt's updated list of college athletic programs cutting sports and schools closing
PNACAC Virtual College Fair: Connects students and families from Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington with colleges and universities from all over the country in one convenient location. Advance registration is required and recordings will be available through December.
NACAC Virtual College Fair: Four virtual fairs between Sept & Nov. During each NACAC Virtual College Fair, more than 600 college and university representatives will be available to talk with you and other students.
Coalition for College October Virtual College Fairs: Explore 120+ top schools and ask your questions. See which colleges and universities will be there, and choose your rooms.
Oct. 21 6-10 p.m. ET
Oct. 22 7-10 p.m. ET ,
Register here: ow.ly/3YHk50BLgYN
Nov. 4, from 6-10 p.m. ET
Nov. 5, from 7-10 p.m. ET
Register here: ow.ly/zxPS50BLh2n
Strive Virtual College Exploration Recorded presentations and information sessions with hundreds of colleges.
Explore Cialfo Virtual college fairs
Crowd-Sourced List of Virtual Touring Opportunities. Includes U.S., UK, and Canadian colleges and universities. YouVisit CampusTours YOUniversity CampusReel
Coronavirus Financial Aid Info for Students, Borrowers, and Parents – Federal Student Aid
SwiftStudent - Provides students free appeal guidance, plus being a central repository of financial aid appeals / requests letter templates.
Tuition Fit - Crowd-sourced award information from colleges provided by actual students. Upload your own financial aid award letters to see whether people like you got a better deal from your school or similar schools that you might not have even applied to. Or look at previous awards to guide your college list.
College Financial Health Center: Tools and resources by Edmit.
We Get It! College Admissions Dean's Speak Out - 3 Part Series by Brennan Bernard, Forbes
Being Seen - This One is For the Juniors: Kati Mattli, Senior Assistant Director of Admission at Georgia Tech
Coping in the Time of Corona: Jeff Schiffman, Director of Admission at Tulane University
Virtually Possible: Locking Down The College Search In A Global Pandemic, Forbes
Do you have a resource or update to add to the list? Please let me know so I can get it on the list.
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